Thursday, February 19, 2009


Boogers are gross. I don't care how you look at it. I am a nurse and boogers are like mucus...mucus is gross. The word "mucus" says it all. Gross. I have always wondered when kids learn how to pick boogers. Do we teach them as infants and babies as we wipe / fingernail scrape the dried boogers from the opening of each nare? Okay, easy enough to figure is the best / worst part...who teaches them to EAT the boogers? No, mine don't eat their boogers (that I know of or am willing to admit); however, yes, my kids pick their noses...and apparently one of them picks his cousins nose as well. Who knows the answer to this? I need to know, really. I want to inform that person of how icky this is and that they should not be teaching children to eat their mucus...ugh *shiver with the willies* Shame on the booger eating teacher!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Septic Shock

We are studying shock in my critical care class this week. Normally I am interested in EVERYTHING that we study to some extent. Not to say that shock isn't interesting, but that it is hitting home and I am finding it hard to concentrate. One of my dads died last summer from shock among other things. It started off as what they thought was bronchitis; two months later he was in the ICU with a fungal infection in his lungs (aspergillus), A-Fib, septic shock, renal failure, liver failure (and untreated Hep-C), DIC, etc, etc. He really had no chance at that point. I remember quite vividly being on the phone with him almost nightly for a month and then with his attending physician the afternoon of the 10th. He had already coded once and did a second time while I was on the phone with the physician, that was hard enough in itself. Now, I have to put a focus, a picture, names, symptoms, lab values, and more to what happened to my dad. Sometimes, ignorance IS bliss. I have studied all of these things before in other classes, though not since his death. I wasn't close to him; we were both at fault for that. I often wonder when the hurt will really go away. I can be perfectly fine for months at a time and then tremendously sad at a moments notice. If the death of a man I hardly knew can effect me so much, then how will it be when I lose others that I am close to? Will I be able to cope? Funny how I am well aware of all those coping mechanisms, the stages of grief, the norms for our culture, and what not...they just don't seem to apply to me. I will be glad when we are done with shock so I can get back to "normal."

Sunday, February 8, 2009

More From The Mouths Of Babes

Sheridan to her Memaw this weekend. "I have hot potty, my pee smokes in the toilet."
Enough said.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Things Kids Say

Dane: Waving to Elijah while on the way to bed, "Bye bye."
Madeline: "Mommy, I accidentally sharted."
Sheridan: "Mommy put my bunny ears up out of the way so I don't dick around with them while I'm on the potty."
Elijah: While standing directly in front of the trash can at the park, "Mom, where do I throw this away at?"
