Sunday, July 26, 2009

Frontage Road

Okay, so here is a giggle for you...since I giggle at myself every time I see a sign for "Frontage Rd."
We went to Houston in 2007 for spring break and, of course, had to travel through several big cities on the way. I thought it was interresting that so many places had a road named "Frontage." It never occured to me that "Frontage Rd." was simply a side street for access to businesses off of highways and such until I saw "Frontage Rd." around every twist and turn while in Houston.
Yes, I AM still a silly blonde girl on the inside. Now, every time I see a "Frontage Rd." I giggle at myself, however, I would never tell my husband about my absence of common sense because he'd NEVER let me live it down!


Chanda said...

This little insight into your thoughts did indeed make me giggle! I used to wonder why their were so many frontage rds when I first moved to Kansas.

Holding my Breath said...

OMG!!!! I thought the same thing!!!Except I made the mistake of voicing it outloud. You are the smarter of the two of us.