Monday, September 21, 2009


FUN-draisers my hiney! I love my kids and support their school, but COME ON! REALLY? There are so many of them (fundraisers that is)...options are good, yes. The problem is this: The schools / companies have an all school assembly for these things and make it a HUGE deal for the kids. I know they want the kids to be excited; however, the disappointment is also that much more as they are turnded down over and over again. When family, friends, and co-workers see us coming they RUN like the wind in the other direction because our approach would be the 116th time they have been asked this week.

The prize list:
Level A (1 item sold) - Foam airplane glider
Level B (6) - Magic Trick Cards
Level C (15) - Zip and Zoom Boomerang
Level D (25) - Balloon Copter
Level E (35) - Squirting Calculator
Level F (45) - Jam N Jammer

Level G (55) - Crazy Hair Visor
Level H (65) - Wall Climbing Car
Level I (75) - Rising Star Tent
Level J (85) - Game Room
Level K (95) - Razor Rip Rider

I believe this is one of those things parents should be warned about when having a family with more than one child...four children = four fundraising packets with two catalogs each. Catalogs offer $9.00 rubber bracelets and $19.00 packages of frozen soft pretzels (6 per). Don't they know we are in a recession? Someone should bring this to their attention. Any volunteers?

1 comment:

Holding my Breath said...

It's a racket! Go to Spencers for all of those crappy prizes, that way you can use your own children as work horses instead of the marketing people.

Long live the visor with hair!