Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's been a few (or 7) months...oops!

I have not fallen off the face of the the dismay of many and the relief of a few! ;-)

My computer DID, however, bite the dust and we've had a wonderfully busy summer! I can hardly believe the kids start back to school in just three weeks and a couple of days! I am taking my computer tower to my repair-brother (thanks Trev!) to look at next week, maybe it's still salvagable...I hope, there are many irreplaceable things on the hard drive. :-(

I have also decided to make more of an effort to write when I am not feeling mopey, after all, who wants to read a depressing blog all the time! Of course taking the time to sit down and actually do it with all this chaos is a different story.
I am not even sure where to start!

My sister (who's newest work in progress has a penis!) and my nieces have been staying with us since the end of March. I know, I know, AMAZING... Our history together hasn't always been pleasant but we are actually managing quite well here in the shoebox, albeit croweded most of the time! The even better news is that she has found a place to live and will get to move after the first of August! I am proud of her for making all the pieces fall together and can't wait to meet my new nephew in November!

We also put the kids, except Dane, into Taekwondo this spring. The main goal was to find an activity everyone could do and succeed in at their own pace. The second goal was to give them something that would require some coordination, focus, and discipline. Things they are each in need of, especially the coordination since they ARE my children. Hehehe!

Elijah has kept us especially busy with Boy Scouts, baseball (season ended 5-4-1), and Camp Wood this summer! I feel a little guilty for not doing extra with the girls, but they are keeping themselves busy enough with the other neighborhood kids and my nieces!

So, the levels of little-people estrogen are getting a little high pitched this morning so I will save the rest for later!

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